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How to increase sales on your website

5 easy ways to increase sales on your website

Business Chicks owner and author of 'The New Hustle' Emma Isaacs calls it "removing the peas", which means ridding your workplace of any annoyances... ie. those small irksome things that get in our way of enjoying our everyday tasks.

Today, I thought we'd uncover the annoying so called "peas" that can lurk around in our websites preventing sales... and see how we can make our websites run like a smooth polished sale making machine.

1. Who you are, what you do & how you help

A clear logo, heading, and statement that makes it super obvious to a customer landing on your page what you do and how you are going to help them.

2. Services and products

Making it easy to find these but also offering clear information on the service or package you provide PLUS how to contact you about it. 

Or if you are selling products, tell them everything! A sweet description but also colour, fabric, size, weight, flavour, smell, packaging details, shipping costs and delivery times... everything! Plus show lots of images.

3. Easy to contact you

An enquiry form is great. I know we loathe to share our email or phone numbers online, but these do make it easier for customers to contact you. 

Timely and Calendly are great for integrating into your website for booking treatments fast ( and without the hassle of phoning ).

4. Pop ups

Love them... loathe them... they are great for sales. Make sure they don't come up immediately, only come up once, and please make them easy to dismiss.

5. Design

Fonts that are easy to read, clear photos, lots of space, buttons and links that work, easy to follow navigation are some of the key things that make great user experience. And that includes on mobile too.

Have you got any other pet peeves that I've missed? Or are you struggling with anything on your own website - pop me a message.

Chat soon, Kelly 


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